
Welcome to Otherworld Publishing. Otherworld Publishing is an independent Canadian literary publisher founded in 2018 to help give Canadians books a voice and representation of their own. Otherworld Publishing is wholly operated and owned by Canadians and publishes only books by Canadian writers. We have always been principally interested in fiction and poetry.

Your book is ready and has been written, edited a dozen times, proofread and formatted. Now it’s ready to submit to self publishing websites. As a first time, self-published to be author, you’re cautious as to which self publishing companies to go for.

You’ve put so much time, effort and other resources to see this happen; so it’s logical that your book should get a shot in the newly published book marketplace. The best way to do this is to publish with the largest distribution channels, and that’s not on store bookshelves.

The best way of achieving this global marketing of any book is by advertising through the distribution outlets themselves. Our imprint  believes in seamless marketing and in up linking the published books directly to the consumer market.

It’s time to share your work with your readers out there. We at Otherworld Publishing, think your story can and should be told to them.

We promote through E-books, Audio books as well as Hardcopy books (POD Print On Demand) in both paperback and hardcover. All authors must have their own web presence and social media accounts designed for self promotion.